Monday, January 30, 2012

So when you say the Holy Eucharist is only a symbol....

I recently had a discussion with someone outside of the Catholic faith about the Holy Eucharist and it not being symbolic. This is how I explained it to her.
The most exciting component of my faith is... that there is no other way to be more intimate with our Lord than through the Holy Eucharist. We're in communion with him by receiving his body. When he is in us...we in turn are in him. He feeds our souls with his that we might love him in return.
By having him in us...we are able to be more Christ like by enabling us to go out and love our neighbor. It's what Jesus wants. It's all about love. It's about having a relationship with him and with each other.
So when you say the Holy Eucharist is only a symbol....I find that bewildering.
Father Barron explains:
Jesus’ word is the divine word and it effects and creates changes into reality most profoundly.
You say that a piece of bread or wafer can't be transformed in to Christ's Body.
I say to you...just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
When we look at the sun...doesn't it seem like the sun is moving throughout the day across the sky? The reality is...the earth is rotating around the sun.
Is not Jesus' word the Divine Word?
When Jesus said....little girl get up...the dead girl got up.
When Jesus said....Lazarus come out. Lazarus came out.
When Jesus said....You are forgiven. You are forgiven.
When Jesus said...This is my Body. It is his Body.
Other than the presence of Christ in our liturgy and Eucharist... everything else is secondary in our faith. There is no other way to be more intimate with Christ than by going to mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Back in November....EWTN aired Fr. Barron's new 'Catholicism' series.
I watched all of the episodes that were aired. I was captivated by what I saw and heard.  I had to purchase the whole series in order to watch the remaining episodes!  
Father Barron is a great messenger for the Catholic Church.   He narrates the series in an engaging enthusiastic tone and he's easy to understand. 
The  photography is lovely and the music is poetic. 
It captures 2,000 years of the Catholic Church in all it's deep beauty, truth and goodness.
The Catholicism series consists of ten 1 hour episodes within 5 DVDs.  It also comes in print. 
I left this series yearning for more.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When we're comfortable do we feel like we need God?

Montana...Summer of  '2010'

Do we have so much that we feel like we don't need God?   I once heard a missionary explain.... the poor that have so little...have a profound dependence on God.  For instance... a person in a poverty stricken country doesn't have the opportunity to go to the hospital like we do here. They simply need and put their trust in God. It's something to ponder.

"Since I know it all for Christ's good, I am quite happy about "the thorn," and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong-the less I have, the more I depend on him."
2 Corinthians 12:10

Monday, January 23, 2012

Comforting the Injured Women

I'm in awe today as I watch our young people professing their faith publicly at The Right to Life March in Washington, DC.  In a culture where our children are bombarded by immoral beliefs... I can't help but look to these young people and see our future leaders!  They're standing up against the misguided truths that our government has put into law. 
Since abortion was legalized almost 40 years ago...I wonder... how many of those young girls that had an abortion in the 1970's...are now thinking they made the right choice?  I suspect... these women (these injured women) that had abortions in the 70's and since... are now not being comforted by our government but rather from our merciful Father.
'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.'
Jer 1:5

Saturday, January 21, 2012

'We're on the side of God Almighty. Let us pray.'

Does the above quote get your attention?  It's taken from the movie Red Tails.  Red Tails takes place during WWII.   The film was inspired from true events.  It's action filled and inspirational that includes references to Christianity.  It's a movie I like.   Below is the link to the Red Tails website. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Choose to inhale. Don't just breath to exist.
-Mattie Stepanek

Taken by Kyle on our way to Cork, County of Cork and the Dingle Pennensula, Ireland.  Summer...'2011'

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

As I Reflect....Blessings From Suffering?

I mentioned in a previous post.. that our everyday inconveniences and disappointments in life can be thought of as building our muscle for the greater sufferings we may experience in life. 
My dear dad suffered with and passed away from cancer years ago.   For my siblings and brought our family closer together.  We were all married with families of our own and a few of my siblings lived out of state.  We pulled together to be there for my mom and my dad.  For a few months there wasn't a night that my dad had to spend alone.  For my mom it gave her a chance to get a better nights rest.  
A little over a year suddenly became ill and she had to be hospitalized for 10 days. Although...we were hoping for a better outcome for her... it wasn't God's plan.  It was God's plan for my siblings and I to come together again.  We were concerned for her, scared for her, hopeful for her, scared again for her and finally having to let go and mourn her. 
I had the humbling experience of being with both of my parent's when they faded from this life into the next.   As I reflect back...I see now... it was through their suffering and my grieving for them that has enabled me to embrace our Savior on the Cross.  I am blessed. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A little Catholic Humor

Archbishop Sheen once quoted:
"Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn. "

Monday, January 16, 2012

Building Muscle

Taken from our front porch.  Spring....2011

I can assure you that we all will experience suffering within our lifetime. The question is....what will we do with that suffering? Will we shutdown and abandon God or will we grow spiritually? Suffering is never easy and really something we don't even want to think about. We'll deal with it when it happens...right? I'm not saying...I'm going to like suffering or will welcome it but I want to be able to make sense of it. Yes...something good can come out of our suffering if we trust God. I can offer up my suffering in union with Christ's suffering on the cross for the purpose of helping someone else. Maybe...all of our everyday inconveniences and disappointments are building our muscles for greater sufferings we may have to experience. In suffering... we're not called to endure the cross but to embrace it. I pray to have complete trust in our Lord.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

No Cross...No Crown

'Home' Inside looking out.  Late Fall....'2011'

Welcome to my blog and welcome to my very first post. I've seen and experienced suffering and I really didn't know what to do with it.  Paul says in Romans 8:17-18...But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later. 
Our church teaches that I can offer my suffering up to Jesus for the petition of others.  My suffering has a purpose! This Catholic teaching was a game changer for me. This is one of the many beautiful whispers of Catholicism that I discovered. I'm thankful to Jesus Christ that he gave me his beautiful church and I want to converse with others that feel the same joy as I do. I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about this beautiful gift called Catholicism. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you'll visit again.   ~amy