Monday, April 2, 2012

Filled To The Brim

Jesus talking to the adulteress.
He forgives her and tells her to sin no more.

Yesterday afternoon.... my husband and I attended a Lenten Penance service and I was quite surprised to see that the church was overfilled with people.  I mean... every pew was filled and the aisles were filled to the brim with people standing.  There were 10 priests hearing confessions.  It really was a pleasant sight to see.  Through Reconciliation we too can take our sins to Jesus through the priest like the adulteress took them to Jesus.   We can hear those words that we aren't condemned and that we're forgiven.  Hearing the priest say those words through Jesus Christ is a pure gift from God.



momto8 said...

it always amazes me how hungry we are all for God. i know it is true ,I feel it I, see it..and yet i am still always amazed.
Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.
Happy Holy week..blessings all around.

Monica said...

It is so beautiful to see so many people desiring to be reconciled with God. 10 priests! That is so amazing!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

The church was full at our Penitential Service. I didn't realise there are so many sinners around here!

God bless.

Amy said...

Victor...It's good to see so many sinners!