This video is in Polish but it speaks universally. I love the image of the Pope on the snowy mountain amidst the beauty surrounding him. He takes off his hat. He looks up to our Creator in awe.
....reserving quiet moments each day to better understanding the beautiful teachings of Catholicism.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
An Evening At The Cathedral
Yesterday evening at the youngest child made the sacrament of Confirmation.
I'll urge my daughter to set some time aside each day to be still and quiet.'s especially hard to do when you're a teenager but it's sooooo necessary. I'll tell her that often the Holy Spirit speaks softly within us and with us. We can hear him in the voice of our conscience and in our heart. The more receptive we are to the the Holy Spirit within us...the more he becomes the center of our life. We form a relationship with Christ this way and we can feel his presence. So...just for a few moments be still and relish the quiet. Shhh......
I'll urge my daughter to set some time aside each day to be still and quiet.'s especially hard to do when you're a teenager but it's sooooo necessary. I'll tell her that often the Holy Spirit speaks softly within us and with us. We can hear him in the voice of our conscience and in our heart. The more receptive we are to the the Holy Spirit within us...the more he becomes the center of our life. We form a relationship with Christ this way and we can feel his presence. So...just for a few moments be still and relish the quiet. Shhh......
Confirmation is the sacrament that completes Baptism....
The people of Ephesus were baptized in Christ, but Paul laid hands on them to seal them with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 19:5-6
This sealing refers to the sacrament of Confirmation.
In the Acts of the Apostles...which were written a few decades after the death of Jesus...Peter traveled about to confirm new Christians by imposing hands on those who previously had been baptized so that their hearts might be filled with the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the strength from above in which an individual puts the grace of his Baptism into practice through his life and acts as a "witness" for Christ.
To be confirmed means to make a covenant with God. As an individual professes their belief in God...God in turn says...he believes in them too...and he will give them his Spirit...his very self. He will belong entirely to them. He will never separate himself from this life or in heaven. He will be in their body and their their words and deeds. Even if they forget him...he will still be there on good days and bad.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Religious Freedom
The perfect movie to see...considering the threat of religious liberty we're facing here in the U.S as we stand up for America's soul.
In the film For Greater Glory, which opens April 20 in Mexico and June 1 in the United States....
actor Andy Garcia plays the lead role of atheistic Gen. Enrique Gorostieta.....who is hired to lead the Cristero called because they were fighting for Cristo Rey (Christ the King) in its 1926-1929 fight against the Mexican government...which was persecuting Catholics.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Have you prayed to your guardian angel today?
How then can evil overtake me or any plaque come near? For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will steady you with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on trail.
Psalm 91: 10-12
Angel of God...
my guardian dear...
to whom God's love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side...
to light and guard and rule and guide.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Alabama Supreme Court takes on Roe v. Wade
I didn't catch this on the news a few months ago. It's very interesting.

Read more:

Alabama court's wrongful death ruling used to recommend abandoning Roe 'viability' argument
Published February 20, 2012
- AP
Life groups are hailing an opinion by an Alabama Supreme Court justice who argued that it's time to abandon the viability standard used in Roe v. Wade because medical breakthroughs -- backed by case law and legislation -- have shown a fetus is only as viable as the technology monitoring it.
The opinion by Judge Thomas Parker was issued Friday in the case of a woman who sued her doctors for wrongful death when her baby died in the womb while only three months in gestation.
The Alabama Supreme Court threw out a DeKalb Circuit Court summary judgment in favor of the defendants that held the wrongful-death action could not be maintained because the unborn child was not viable.
Parker wrote that the Supreme Court "erroneously" concluded in Roe that the unborn have no rights as "persons," but since 1973, mounds of cases have been decided in tort and criminal law in favor of babies with prenatal injuries "regardless whether the injury occurred either before or after the point of viability."
Citing the National Conference of State Legislatures, Parker wrote that 38 states have enacted fetal-homicide statutes, of which 28 protect life from conception, and noted a ruling from last year by his own court that concluded that Alabama's wrongful death law applies to an unborn child at any stage of gestation. He added that at least nine other states permit recovery for the wrongful death of previable unborn children.
"This court recognized the arbitrariness of 'draw(ing) a line that allows recovery on behalf of a fetus injured before viability that dies after achieving viability but that prevents recovery on behalf of a fetus injured that, as a result of those injuries, does not survive to viability,'" Parker wrote.
Extending the argument, Parker, whose opinion was signed by three other judges, wrote that "Roe's statement that unborn children are not 'persons' within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment is irrelevant to the question whether unborn children are 'persons' under state law. Because the Fourteenth Amendment 'right' recognized in Roe is not implicated unless state action violates a woman's 'right' to end a pregnancy, the other parts of the superstructure of Roe, including the viability standard, are not controlling outside abortion law."
The court's ruling only affects Alabama law, for now, but pro-life groups said Parker's opinion will be picked up in other courts in other states.
"Roe v. Wade is an island by itself and that island is getting smaller and smaller and that perimeter is eroding," said Matthew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit legal group dedicated to sanctity of life and religious freedom issues.
Staver noted that viability "will vary over time" and medical advances that give the child a chance to live outside the womb constantly change. "What stays constant is that at the moment of conception the child is a human being."
In the case, Amy Hamilton argued that her baby died in utero because of negligent acts by her doctors. She claimed that for six weeks beginning in early January 2005 she sought ultrasounds to monitor her baby after she contracted "fifth disease," an infection caused by human parvovirus. When the technician finally gave her an ultrasound at the end of February, the baby was shown to have problems. He was still born two weeks later.
Hamilton filed suit that the baby's death could have been avoided if she had been monitored as recommended. The lower court gave a summary judgment to the doctors, claiming that the wrongful-death action could only be claimed if the child had been able to survive outside the womb.
But the high court ruled that both legislatively and in the court, nonviable fetuses have been regarded as persons.
The Supreme Court did uphold the lower court's summary judgment for the doctors that Hamilton suffered physical injury as a result of the loss, saying that she had argued that the fetus from its conception was a separate being so she could not have been the one to suffer physical injury as a result of the baby's death.
The case now returns to the lower court to be judged on the merits of wrongful death statutes.
Pro-choice group NARAL did not respond to a request for comment.
The opinion by Judge Thomas Parker was issued Friday in the case of a woman who sued her doctors for wrongful death when her baby died in the womb while only three months in gestation.
The Alabama Supreme Court threw out a DeKalb Circuit Court summary judgment in favor of the defendants that held the wrongful-death action could not be maintained because the unborn child was not viable.
Parker wrote that the Supreme Court "erroneously" concluded in Roe that the unborn have no rights as "persons," but since 1973, mounds of cases have been decided in tort and criminal law in favor of babies with prenatal injuries "regardless whether the injury occurred either before or after the point of viability."
Citing the National Conference of State Legislatures, Parker wrote that 38 states have enacted fetal-homicide statutes, of which 28 protect life from conception, and noted a ruling from last year by his own court that concluded that Alabama's wrongful death law applies to an unborn child at any stage of gestation. He added that at least nine other states permit recovery for the wrongful death of previable unborn children.
"This court recognized the arbitrariness of 'draw(ing) a line that allows recovery on behalf of a fetus injured before viability that dies after achieving viability but that prevents recovery on behalf of a fetus injured that, as a result of those injuries, does not survive to viability,'" Parker wrote.
Extending the argument, Parker, whose opinion was signed by three other judges, wrote that "Roe's statement that unborn children are not 'persons' within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment is irrelevant to the question whether unborn children are 'persons' under state law. Because the Fourteenth Amendment 'right' recognized in Roe is not implicated unless state action violates a woman's 'right' to end a pregnancy, the other parts of the superstructure of Roe, including the viability standard, are not controlling outside abortion law."
The court's ruling only affects Alabama law, for now, but pro-life groups said Parker's opinion will be picked up in other courts in other states.
"Roe v. Wade is an island by itself and that island is getting smaller and smaller and that perimeter is eroding," said Matthew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit legal group dedicated to sanctity of life and religious freedom issues.
Staver noted that viability "will vary over time" and medical advances that give the child a chance to live outside the womb constantly change. "What stays constant is that at the moment of conception the child is a human being."
In the case, Amy Hamilton argued that her baby died in utero because of negligent acts by her doctors. She claimed that for six weeks beginning in early January 2005 she sought ultrasounds to monitor her baby after she contracted "fifth disease," an infection caused by human parvovirus. When the technician finally gave her an ultrasound at the end of February, the baby was shown to have problems. He was still born two weeks later.
Hamilton filed suit that the baby's death could have been avoided if she had been monitored as recommended. The lower court gave a summary judgment to the doctors, claiming that the wrongful-death action could only be claimed if the child had been able to survive outside the womb.
But the high court ruled that both legislatively and in the court, nonviable fetuses have been regarded as persons.
The Supreme Court did uphold the lower court's summary judgment for the doctors that Hamilton suffered physical injury as a result of the loss, saying that she had argued that the fetus from its conception was a separate being so she could not have been the one to suffer physical injury as a result of the baby's death.
The case now returns to the lower court to be judged on the merits of wrongful death statutes.
Pro-choice group NARAL did not respond to a request for comment.
Read more:
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Jesus is undefeated!
He is risen.
It's time to celebrate life....
a life that lasts forever!
Everything sad will be made untrue.
and be sure of this....that I am with you always, even to the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Wesolego Alleluja!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"Do This In Remebrance Of Me"
On Holy Thursday during the Last Supper Jesus gave us three things....
*The new commandment...
And so I am giving a new commandment to you each other just as much as I love you.
Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciple's.
John 13:34-35
And so I am giving a new commandment to you each other just as much as I love you.
Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciple's.
John 13:34-35
Don't just find favor in those that you like. We're to find good in everyone.
*He gave us the first mass and established the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist...
This is my body...which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me. This chalice is the new covenant in my blood. Do often as you drink remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:23-25
This is my body...which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me. This chalice is the new covenant in my blood. Do often as you drink remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:23-25
There is nothing greater on the face of the earth then the Holy Sacrifice in the mass.
I suppose there is nothing greater in heaven then the Holy Sacrifice because it is God.
~Father Pablo Straub
*He instituted the Sacrament of the priesthood...
When Jesus commanded the Apostles...
Do this in remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:24
When Jesus commanded the Apostles...
Do this in remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:24
Before Jesus went to heaven the remembrance he gave to us was himself in the Holy Eucharist.
The Church fulfills Jesus' command...
Do this in remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:24
These gifts Christ left us through the Sacraments are truly awesome. Through the Sacraments we are given the opportunity to experience the presence of God!
On Holy Thursday, the priests of each diocese gather with their bishop to consecrate holy oils, which are used throughout the year for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick. This ancient practice, which goes back to the fifth century, is known as the Chrism Mass ("chrism" is a mixture of oil and balsam used for the holy oils) and stresses the role of the bishop as a successor to the apostles.
The Church fulfills Jesus' command...
Do this in remembrance of me.
1 Cor 11:24
These gifts Christ left us through the Sacraments are truly awesome. Through the Sacraments we are given the opportunity to experience the presence of God!
On Holy Thursday, the priests of each diocese gather with their bishop to consecrate holy oils, which are used throughout the year for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick. This ancient practice, which goes back to the fifth century, is known as the Chrism Mass ("chrism" is a mixture of oil and balsam used for the holy oils) and stresses the role of the bishop as a successor to the apostles.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Jesus was in prayer when choosing His apostles. It's amazing to think that he chose Judas and Peter as His apostles. After all...Judas and Peter had betrayed him. The clergy in the Church that had contributed to the Church scandals had Judas and Peter in them too but in contrast...Jesus made Peter head of His Church. As horrible as these scandals are...they should not take away from our Holy Mother Church. We're all given free will and we all have some Judas in us.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Filled To The Brim
Jesus talking to the adulteress.
He forgives her and tells her to sin no more.
He forgives her and tells her to sin no more.
Yesterday afternoon.... my husband and I attended a Lenten Penance service and I was quite surprised to see that the church was overfilled with people. I mean... every pew was filled and the aisles were filled to the brim with people standing. There were 10 priests hearing confessions. It really was a pleasant sight to see. Through Reconciliation we too can take our sins to Jesus through the priest like the adulteress took them to Jesus. We can hear those words that we aren't condemned and that we're forgiven. Hearing the priest say those words through Jesus Christ is a pure gift from God.
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