Monday, May 7, 2012

Calling All Saints

Don't be concerned about how many letters you have after your name.  Strive for only two letters at the beginning of your name.  They are St.
~Mother Angelica

This world is a saint making machine.  This is how God designed it.  It's the only way to make sense of all the vanity...futility...pain and all of the senseless suffering in this world.  It's to forge God's children to become saints.  The crisis today in the Church is not politics...economics or national interest.  It is the crisis of the lack of saints.  If Christ is the sacrament of God and the Church is the sacrament of Christ...the saint is the living sacrament of what the Church is in its true identity.  We must become a living sacrament in the world that convinces the world that Jesus Christ is alive within his body.
~Scott Hahn 

The word "saint" literally means "holy," and, in the New Testament, "saint" referred to all who believed in Jesus Christ and followed his teachings.

Everyone asks themselves the question:  Who am I and why am I do I find myself.
In holiness we find real harmony between our self and God. not some sort of self made is the union with the body of Christ.  Anyone who gains new life this way finds himself and becomes holy.

We are all called to be saints!
~Mother Angelica

Celebrate all the saints!
All the people in heaven are saints.


Monica said...

Nice post! And I guess I had never noticed the music before on your blog. So pretty!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

This post makes sense. Thank you.

God bless.

Candice M said...

Very nice and very true...God bless :)